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Creative Circle №1

Writer's picture: Kami MarchandKami Marchand

I hope this experimentation serves as a space for us all to play. At this time it feels balanced to connect within month-long containers. I hope that they offer us the space to explore the exercises at our own pace, relieving the pressure that often can feel like a restraint. The structure is intentionally loose and I hope it unfolds naturally as we go.  This is a copy of the monthly newsletter sent out to those who have joined the free monthly Creative Circle. Join Below.


Our 1st Creative Circle! Wow! 

In basic numerology 1 symbolizes creation and birthing, the primal force of all things. However, this energy may feel at odds with the wintering we’re cycling with in the Northern Hemisphere so let's move slowly. I hope that this first month explores building fires slowly through gentle play. Enjoy! ꩜ 

Exercise 1:

Grounding | Alter Building

Our first exercise will be centered around building a space,—an altar of sorts—to ground with every time we creative spell-cast. I invite you curate a space, big or small, that inspires and encourages connection to our juicy energies. Here are a few ideas.

◘ Connect with the elements: pieces of earth, air, fire and water. plants, beeswax candles, rocks, bells + bowls, pots of tea. Honouring the elements reminds me how beautiful this world is.

◘ Organize your tools. Start with a pencil, or a nice pen. Choose a medium if you wish. Mix and match if you please. Simplifying and limiting yourself may be best, or if you love 101 options, listen to that. Once you've gathered your tools, get yourself a pen-case/bag to have them handy at all times for when the inspiration strikes.

◘ Choose your journal/spellbook/sketchbook/workbook. Don't limit the pages to one medium. Flow your journal entries with your creative ideas. This could be an interesting integration. Experiment! This is your portal.

◘ Carry grounding rods.Your alter doesn't have to keep you stuck. Allow pieces of it to move as you do from your desk to your sheepskin, to the coffee shop in town. I'll often carry a piece of amber, and stone with me when I leave the house to hold in my palms. They're my grounding rods.

◘ Explore all of your senses: sound, scent, taste, and touch. Create a playlist, make a cup of your favourite hot-cup, light incense, meditate, and embrace intuitive movement within the same area you have set up to create. Offer energetic reciprocity within the space you are asking to nurture your flow. 

◘ Always say thank you. A friend of mine told me she speaks to her home when she leaves, a practise I have since incorporated. “Thank you candles for lighting the pages of my book” “Thank you tea for warming my hands as I write” “Thank you stones for bringing me back to earth”… It's lovely gratitude practise. 

Allow your alter to expand over time. If you only need to start with a pen and journal, do so and incorporate what you intuitively need as it unfolds. Who knows, you may find additions to this space through Exercise 2 below.

Image sources: Dorothea Lange. Flower Arrangement. 1954, bits of Georgia O'Keeffe home. Unknown photographer, Sackcloth, crown of thorns, thorns and nails of the Passion and bags Collection of Adrien de Mortillet (1853–1931). All other sources unknown.
Image sources: Dorothea Lange. Flower Arrangement. 1954, bits of Georgia O'Keeffe home. Unknown photographer, Sackcloth, crown of thorns, thorns and nails of the Passion and bags Collection of Adrien de Mortillet (1853–1931). All other sources unknown.

Exercise 2:

Inner Algorithm | Colour Therapy

Inspiration is constantly at the other end of our finger tips, literally. Social platforms targeted at sorting and saving are great, however what if you tuned inwards for inspiration? This exercise is intended for you to return to your inner algorithm guided by colour.



What colour showed up for you? Did you feel a visceral reaction when one came to the mind's eye? If you didn't connect with one, it's ok. Don't force anything. You will intuitively know which colour to bring into the rest of this exercise. If you re-visit the meditation and you connect with another colour, be open to explore it as well.

Over the next day/week/month carry your colour with you while:

◘ You're walking. Follow your colour. Let it lead you, step by step, until you feel ready to return home.

◘ Choosing tools for the month. Explore what it feels like to choose ink, paint, yarn, paper, pastels, dyes, spell-books… in shades of that colour

◘ Be open to where you feel guided.

Observe your colour with curiosity. Don’t force meaning—be open to play. Follow them like an adventurous cartoon character. Exercise this for as long or as little as you like and revisit with additional colours when the time feels right.



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